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Robert Earl Keen - 2019

Updated: Jan 13, 2023

"The road goes on forever ..." It's not always easy to sum up a career - let alone a life's ambition - so succinctly, but those five words from Robert Earl Keen's calling-card anthem just about do it. You can complete the lyric ("and the party never ends!") - just to punctuate the point with a flourish, but it's the part about the journey that gets right to the heart of what makes Keen tick. Some people take up a life of playing music with the goal of someday reaching a destination of fame and fortune; but Keen just wanted to write and sing his own songs for as long as possible. Now three-decades from the release of his debut album, 18 other records to his name, thousands of shows under his belt and no end in sight, Keen remains as committed to and inspired by his muse as ever. From humble beginnings on the Texas folk scene, Keen has blazed a peer, critic and fan-lauded trail that's earned him living-legend (not to mention pioneer) status in the Americana music world. And though the Houston-native has never worn his Texas heart on his sleeve, he's long been regarded as one of the Lone Star State's finest (not to mention top-drawing) true singer-songwriters.


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